Birding Challenge
This page details the birding challenge I am completing during 2024 where I try to see all the species in my Birds of Utah field guide
For those of you that donβt know, I make birding and wildlife content. There are so many species to see, and it's been super fun working on growing my birding life list. I highly recommend you check out my YouTube channel!
One thing I have loved about birding is how friendly the birding community is overall! I am excited to get out more and grow this hobby, meet awesome people, and become a better birder.
2024 Birding Challenge
To make birding even more fun, I set myself a challenge for 2024. I am trying to see all 130 species in Birds of Utah by Stan Tekiela.
Challenge Progress: 118/130 Birds
Last Updated - 09/05/24
Last Updated - 09/05/24
Remaining Species
- American Bittern
- Bushtit
- Blue Grosbeak
- Evening Grosbeak
- Ferruginous Hawk
- Calliope Hummingbird
- Pinyon Jay
- Gambel's Quail
- Blue-winged Teal
- Northern Mockingbird
- Bohemian Waxwing (Extra)
- Lewis's Woodpecker
- Canyon Wren
Full Checklist of the Birds
- American Avocet β
- American Bittern
- Brewer's Blackbird β
- Red-winged Blackbird β
- Yellow-headed Blackbird β
- Mountain Bluebird β
- Western Bluebird β
- Lazuli Bunting β
- Bushtit
- Black-capped Chickadee β
- Mountain Chickadee β
- Chukar β
- American Coot β
- Double-crested Cormorant β
- Brown-headed Cowbird β
- Sandhill Crane β
- Brown Creeper β
- Red Crossbill β
- American Crow β
- American Dipper β
- Eurasian Collared-Dove β
- Mourning Dove β
- Bald Eagle β
- Golden Eagle β
- Snowy Egret β
- Black-Rosy-Finch β
- Cassin's Finch β
- Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch β
- House Finch β
- Northern Flicker β
- Olive-sided Flycatcher β
- Gadwall β
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher β
- Common Goldeneye β
- American Goldfinch β
- Canada Goose β
- Great-tailed Grackle β
- Pie-billed Grebe β
- Western Grebe β
- Black-headed Grosbeak β
- Blue Grosbeak
- Evening Grosbeak
- Dusky Grouse β
- California Gull β
- Northern Harrier β
- Cooper's Hawk β
- Ferruginous Hawk
- Red-tailed Hawk β
- Sharp-shinned Hawk β
- Swainson's Hawk β
- Black-crowned Night-Heron β
- Great Blue Heron β
- Black-chinned Hummingbird β
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird β
- Calliope Hummingbird
- Canada Jay β
- Pinyon Jay
- Steller's Jay β
- Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay β
- Dark-eyed Junco β
- American Kestrel β
- Killdeer β
- Eastern Kingbird β
- Western Kingbird β
- Belted Kingfisher β
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet β
- Horned Lark β
- Black-billed Magpie β
- Mallard β
- Western Meadowlark β
- Common Merganser β
- Northern Mockingbird
- Common Nighthawk β
- Clark's Nutcracker β
- Pygmy Nuthatch β
- Red-breasted Nuthatch β
- White-breasted Nuthatch β
- Bullock's Oriole β
- Osprey β
- Burrowing Owl β
- Great Horned Owl β
- Western Wood-Pewee β
- Ring-necked Pheasant β
- Say's Phoebe β
- Rock Pigeon β
- Northern Pintail β
- Common Poorwill β
- Gambel's Quail
- Common Raven β
- Redhead β
- American Robin β
- Spotted Sandpiper β
- Williamson's Sapsucker β
- Northern Shoveler β
- Loggerhead Shrike β
- Pine Siskin β
- Townsend's Solitaire β
- American Tree Sparrow β
- Chipping Sparrow β
- House Sparrow β
- Lark Sparrow β
- Song Sparrow β
- White-crowned Sparrow β
- European Starling β
- Barn Swallow β
- Cliff Swallow β
- Tree Swallow β
- Violet-green Swallow β
- White-throated Swift β
- Western Tanager β
- Blue-winged Teal
- Green-winged Teal β
- Sage Thrasher β
- Green-tailed Towhee β
- Spotted Towhee β
- Wild Turkey β
- Turkey Vulture β
- Orange-crowned Warbler β
- Wilson's Warbler β
- Yellow Warbler β
- Yellow-rumped Warbler β
- Bohemian Waxwing (Extra)
- Cedar Waxwing β
- Downy Woodpecker β
- Hairy Woodpecker β
- Lewis's Woodpecker
- Bewick's Wren β
- Canyon Wren
- House Wren β
- Rock Wren β
- Common Yellowthroat β
For more information about the challenge, check out this video!